The 22th International Organ Academy in Lövstabruk, June 27-July 1, 2016

The focus of the Academy in 2016 will be music from Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck to Johann Sebastian Bach, in other words, North-European music of the entire Baroque era. Students are also encouraged to play other early music as well.

Students will have the opportunity to play a Baroque organ in original condition (the Cahman Organ of 1728) and other historical instruments from the 18th and 19th centuries that are to be found nearby (for example the restored Schwan Organ of 1783 in Börstil). In addition we will have access to a number of historical harpsichords, clavichords and pianos available at the Föreningen Klaverens hus, just 10 kilometers from Lövstabruk.

For details, please see this page.

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